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For Triathlons



Used by professional triathletes and Olympic triathletes to amplify their training routines, Physiclo resistance gear will help you make your training more efficient than ever. Whether you're a veteran or a beginner, you can benefit from adding extra resistance to each workout. 

  • Improve your core strength through cross-trainng while wearing extra resistance
  • Build strength and endurance on your bike by simulating hill climbs and speed workouts.
  • A pilot study showed that 10 weeks of training with Physiclo improved marathon and half-marathon finish times by an average of 8 minutes more than the control group. 




Although triathlons are undoubtedly extreme tests of endurance, incorporating proper strength and conditioning into your routine is key for a great finish. Mixing in some resistance training, especially to strengthen the muscles of the posterior chain (lower back, flutes, hamstrings, calves), will make a huge difference as you shake off the hard bike ride into running a good marathon. 

This is where Physiclo resistance gear comes in. By combining resistance band technology into compression wear, you can easily add a strength-building component into your distance workouts, helping adapt your muscles to perform under increased workloads without compromising your form. When you change into your regular compression tights, your body will feel much lighter and you'll be able to go faster and further. 

For cross-training, examples of basic movements that can be enhanced with Physiclo include squats, reverse lunges, side lunges, and box jumps. 




Physiclo resistance gear is a perfect training tool for basketball players of all ages, at any level. You can wear the extra resistance during warmups and bodyweight exercises to improve strength and conditioning, or you can wear them on the court for functional movement training. 


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